

 binance-smart-chain  moonriver  moonbeam

PADSwap is a decentralized exchange (or DEX, for short). PADSwap is also multi-chain, currently on BSC, Moonriver and Moonbeam with more to come.

Centralized exchanges (CEXs) like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken or offer a one-stop-shop solution with wallet, exchange, fiat conversion and other features tightly integrated into a single multiplatform application. Newcomer therefore often start trading crypto on these platforms.

Compared to these old centralized exchanges, PADSwap offers benefits like being non-custodial, permissionless and using an Automated Market Maker (AMM) over an order book.

Exchanges like centralized exchanges are like banks. They hold and handle your tokens. You need to trust them to not withhold your tokens.

PADSwap is non-custodial, which means that—unlike centralized exchanges—PADSwap does not need to possess your tokens in order for you to be able to trade them. Instead, PADSwap allows users to trade tokens from their wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet via Liquidity Pools.


PADSwap in socal platforms: