
Connecting Uniswap to Coinbase

Uniswap is by far the most popular decentralized exchange (DEX) on the planet, and by connecting UNI to a centralized exchange (CEX) such as Coinbase, you’ll be able to seamlessly trade any ERC-20 token directly within your wallet in no more than a few clicks!


Getting Started


Before we get started, you’re going to need some Ethereum (ETH). Regardless of whether you’re using a computer or mobile device (assuming COINBASE is your CEX of choice), buying ETH is simple.

  1. Create your Coinbase account
  2. Link your preferred payment option to the account (like a debit card)
  3. Purchase some ETH!

Once you have acquired some ETH, there are two methods of connecting your Coinbase wallet to Uniswap to consider before you can begin trading.


(Disclaimer: Coinbase uses what are known as custodial wallets, which means you do not retain control of your private keys. For a more secure solution, self-custodial wallets such as Metamask or Trust Wallet are two great options to choose from.)


Method #1 – Connecting Uniswap to Coinbase Wallet (Mobile)


  1. First, make sure you have BOTH the Coinbase app as well as the Coinbase Wallet app. The Coinbase CEX and Coinbase non-custodial wallet function under two different applications.
  2. Open the Coinbase Wallet app and head to Settings.
  3. Once the Settings tab is selected, look for an option that says ‘Connect to your Coinbase account’ and then click it!
  4. After connecting your Coinbase account to the Coinbase Wallet app, it’s safe to close the wallet and open up the main Coinbase application.
  5. Select the ERC-20 token you wish to send (in this case, ETH) and fill out the transaction (tx/txs) details. Once the tx is confirmed, your ETH should appear in the Coinbase Wallet app. From there, find the Dapps page and select Discover Dapps, followed by Uniswap.

You are now ready to trade on Uniswap using your Coinbase Wallet mobile app!


Method #2 – Connecting Uniswap to Coinbase Wallet (Desktop)


  1. Download the METAMASK browser extension.
  2. Head over to Uniswap and press the Connect button in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Copy your wallet address by clicking the same button again once it is connected to Uniswap. This will bring up a small window with an option to Copy Address.
  4. In a separate tab, head to Coinbase and log in to your account. Select your ETH wallet, choose the amount you’d like to send, and paste the wallet address you previously copied from Uniswap in the blank field as the receiving addresses.
  5. After executing this tx, jump back to Uniswap to begin trading your ETH for a variety of tokenized ERC-20 digital assets.

You are now ready to trade on Uniswap using ETH supplied from your Coinbase account!


(Note: unless the ETH network is highly congested, a simple tx for sending ETH between wallets should confirm quickly. However, during instances of high traffic and volume, confirmation could take up to an hour or more.)

The text on this page is based on the original post and does not claim the copyright of the owner in any way. Everything written here is a free interpretation of the original post.
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