
Cryptocurrency public acceptance in your country

I am in Botswana (Africa) and here people are still skeptical about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Most people believe it is a scam and it will make you poor nomatter how careful and knowledgeable you think you are. For many, yes I can't blame them because they have been scammed by foreigners and websites which promised them heavens by growing their Bitcoins either by cloud mining or shared profits from trading cryptocurrencies. I for one has been a victim of many scamming sites which after we invested some of our hard earned cash into their Bitcoin mining sites, after a few days the site disappeared or the login details changed.

Therefore, the public perception of Bitcoin and its assosciated altcoins has remained a "no go zone" for many of my country men. As for me, I never gave up on Bitcoins as I decided to stop investing on such sites promising huge profits. I have decided to buy and hodle my Bitcoins and or Altcoins in trusted exchange service providers like BINANCE and Coinbase. 

So out of curiosity, I would like to find out how the public's perception on cryptocurrencies in your countries. Comment with your country and how the general public view cryptocurrencies, your observation or view on what influences the perception. 

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