
Bad Corporations and the Lesson I’ve Learned about the Tokenization of a Business

This article is written based on some inspiring articles released on PUBLISH0X platform, and on the recent real story on hedge funds losing billions of dollars after “wallstreetbets” (amateur investors group on Reddit) were stopped by Robinhood Company in the attempt to "short sell" the GameStop stock [GME]. 

First, Showing Appreciation

First of all, I must say a great “Thank You” to our Publish0x Colleagues who - without even knowing it - helped me in the research on getting right decision regarding the tokenization of our actual construction and real estate development business, Reitis Capital.

I must say that good content has kept me on this platform; the Creators and many Authors of high-quality articles published here deserve my and your appreciation! I am here since December 2019, but it is the first time when I am writing in such manner, as I am really pleased with what happens here on this platform. So, Founders, Authors and Commentators, keep on with your good job!

The following are People who helped me and my Team to gain the last “fight” before publishing the final version of our Whitepaper (Business Plan), and while launching blockchain real estate investment platform: 

Concerns on Tokenizing a Business

So, what do we have now – when everything seems to go down – on the financial market?

While BBB (big bad boys) corporate and institutional giants are fighting in a unfair way to gain a portion of the market or, directly, to get some money from the market in a dirty way, we have the divine Blockchain technology and its genius product the Bitcoin! This is the treasure that righteous God have sent us on the earth for fighting injustice!

Each Project Creator has the ability to exchange value (with no middlemen) through the products of blockchain technology, such as bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and tokens. In the same time, the blockchain technology has the power to transform the existing financial system by tokenizing financial assets like stocks, real estate, bonds, etc. 

The Blockchain Real Estate Corporation of People (BRECoP)

Since 2008 financial crisis, we have faced struggles to get bank loans for developing our real estate residential projects. After years of diligent searches, we have decided to create a financial system that will work for the Initiator and for the open-minded User who decides to join the Network.

We’ve built a framework that allows plenty of freedom for people, along with a fair economic structure, REITIS, which we generically have named it “Blockchain Real Estate Corporation of People” (BRECoP), by aiming to provide global opportunity to people who are ready to achieve new decent jobs in technology and finances, and to sustain values they respect.

Our Mixed Business Model

Frightful centralization is present in many blockchain technology-based projects. Good centralization is needed to avoid chaos! That is what I call the “Paradoxical Blockchain!” Through BRECoP, we aim to create a true distributed self-governing Network, giving the power back to the people. To become an open GATE for people around the world, we have chosen to develop a dual business model as described in short below.

The Initial Reitis Token [xREI]

In our practical case, the first already issued Reitis token [xREI ticker], can be sent anywhere in the world without the permission of anybody! As any cryptocurrency, xREI is a distributed peer-to-peer (decentralized) way to send money globally.

There are two ways to get xREI tokens: first, acquire now on our Private Platform, and second, the Public way, when xREI token will be listed in the first exchange, in May 2021.

To get started with Private Platform and obtain your first xREI tokens, as a valued User of the Platform, you have 2 choices:

  1. TRADITIONAL CROWDFUNDING ? where Users, after investing, have nothing to do but watch their 11% annual interest in the dashboard; the ROI here, in case of compounding, is about 56% average or more. Later you can turn any of your gains into xREI tokens, reinvest in other really nice properties, or do whatever you want with your money.
  2. REITIS LEDGER / In-House Blockchain Protocol ? where investments are backed by xREI tokens allocated in your web and then transferred on desktop wallet. The way you’ll do this is very well explained on the Platform, in the Resource section, or you can find one of our Team Member available to answer on Reitis Network Telegram group.  A short note here: in this group we will have launched different programs to reward active members through contests, airdrops, bounties, and more. 

The Security Token Offering, REITIS Token [REITi ticker]

Also, to really become a People’s Corporation, fact which is possible ONLY because the Blockchain technology exists, in the next future (January 2022), REITi — the tokenized assets or digital token — will be traded anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection, and it will be immune from a centralized control. You and only you will enjoy the freedom of being an Owner of a Fractional Property in many nice places in the world.

REITIS Token (Stock) will be bought, sold, traded, and exchanged without permission of any governments, corporations, or middlemen. Of course, we will have to get the licenses in order to function as legal Company, but REITIS Token, representing shares of ownership in the Corporation of People (BRECoP), solves many of the problems that may occur from the legal point of view and the risk associated with traditional stocks - in which a company is able to freeze investors’ assets - is totally eliminated.

No Robinhood or Wall Street or any other power abusing entity will be able to do that, as your asset is securely recorded on the Blockchain.  

5% vs. 95% and the Blockchain Alternative

Let me bring you some numbers here! Sometimes they really help us to take wise decision before is too late.

According to Statista, in December 2020 there were 63 million blockchain wallets in the world, without counting multiple wallets. That is less than 1% of the world's population. In fact, we are privileged to early adoption of blockchain technology and the road ahead is huge.

According to the US Social Security, if you take 100 people at the start of their working careers and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age, you will find this:

  • 1 will be wealthy.
  • 4 will be financially secure.
  • 5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they must.
  • 36 will be dead.
  • 54 will be dead broke -- dependent on their pension checks, relatives, or charity, for a minimum standard of living.

That is 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful. The right question is: where are you?

I believe together we can change this and increase the percent of successful people! With today’s rising gas prices, layoffs, and the insecure economy, it is imperative to take things into your own hands. 

Finally, Should You Trust Us?

At its very beginning, REITIS comes from the Real Estate Investment Trust of IS (Iasi, my beautiful City)! 

Trustless is a wrong used word (read any dictionary to see its real definition!) introduced in crypto literature by people who do not care about its real meaning. If you cannot trust your brothers or friends, then better go, and live on another planet! On the Earth you cannot live and cannot do real business without trust! Of course, you do not have to trust your government, bankers, or press vendetta, but you must have few people you like them for who they are and trust what they say and what they do! No trust, no humanity, no normal behavior of human beings.

By joining our Platform, a different but real opportunity for you could be not only the 11% annual stake (based on legal loan agreement with interest), but also the option to make up to 85% ROI, if you follow the advice of Albert Einstein: "Compound interest is the 8-th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it!"

Finally, please keep one especially important thing in mind: we need a strong Network to develop a stable peer-to-peer distributed business, but we do not create communities that are addicted to something. Personally, I hate the dependence of anyone to anything! So, please decide to keep your freedom given by God in the ways you know and join the Reitis Network only if you want and need to!

Now, you have the Freedom to do nothing, join the Reitis Public Network  and/or use Reitis Private Platform

 For your success as Saver, HODLer, Trader and/or Investor!


  • (1) What the above logo is saying to you? (2) Is there any amount of Trust? Please answer fairly in the Comments section. Thanks! 
  • @theparttimeeconomist – The Part Time Economist - GameStop, Hedge Funds, Robinhood, and Blockchain, article:
  • The Part Time Economist - GameStop, Hedge Funds, Robinhood, and Blockchain, video:
  • The Guardian, WallStreetBets' founder on GameStop: 'I didn't think it would go this far':
  • Reitis Capital Website:
  • Reitis Capital Platform:
  • Image sources: Reitis Capital and Freepik free license.


The text on this page is based on the original post and does not claim the copyright of the owner in any way. Everything written here is a free interpretation of the original post.
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